9th Realm Gallery


Body ArtArt Galleries

About Us

We are a custom tattoo studio and art gallery in Salem MA dedicated to creating art that pushes boundaries in the world of tattooing. We are striving to create a unique experience for our clients and guest artists that redefines the definition of a tattoo studio. We want to create a place that everyone feels welcome, a place that inspires creativity, a place of growth, and acceptance.


Custom oil painting by Gabe Londis
Custom oil painting by Gabe Londis
Custom Ganesha back piece done by Gabe Londis
Snow leopard done by Gabe Londis
Custom tattoo done by Carly Menasco
Custom painting by Carly Menasco

Printed courtesy of www.salem-chamber.org/ – Contact the Salem Chamber of Commerce for more information.
265 Essex Street, Salem, MA 01970 – (978) 744-0004 – info@salem-chamber.org